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Chocolate Cupcake Recipe stuffed with Ganache and frosted with Ganache

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Serves 12 | Prep Time | Cook Time

Why I Love This Recipe

These chocolate cupcakes are my favorite cupcakes ever. I could eat these every day for the rest of my life. If I met a man who could make these I would marry him. :) I made these for a poker party and a girlfriend of mine Molly cried when she tried them - they are that good.

First thing to keep in mind is that you have to make the Chocolate Ganache first. You need half of the frosting for the fillings which need to be set so you can turn it into little balls before you start with the batter.

Ingredients You'll Need

13 ounces heavy cream
12 ounces bittersweet chocolate (I use a bag of chocolate chips)
1/3 c cocoa, preferably Valrhona or Cocoa Barry Extract (Supermarket cheap stuff works ok too as I have tried all kinds in moments of desperation)
1 c boiling water
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 c mayonnaise (I use fat free and it works fine)
2 c sifted cake flour (I rarely ever sift as I find that cake flour seems to always measure right. I know.. I should)
1 c sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt


Ganache: The original recipe called for the chocolate to be broken into fine pieces and put into a food processor & then to pour the cream into the processor, but thatt is too complicated for me as I do not have a processor. So I came up with my own version.

In a sauce pan bring your cream to a light boil.

Then pour in the chocolate chips and start stirring immediately. Keep going until you have a smooth mixture. At first this will seem like it's not working as the chocolate hasn't begun to mix with the cream. Then, in second it will start to form. Just give it time.

When you are done you are supposed to pour the chocolate through a sieve, but who has that kind of time. Turn off your burner and set aside to cool. Don't be tempted to taste throughout the cooling process as you're not supposed to touch the ganache until it sets.

Put ganache in fridge until you're ready to use.

TIP: I usually wait until the very last minute to make these - when I need them in a few hours and I forget that the ganache has to sit over night in the fridge OR do what I do and let it sit enough to cool the pan and then put it in the freezer for about an hour or so (keep checking to make sure it's not frozen. It will be perfect.

If you're making these in a hurry, start making the batter. If not, make the batter when you're ready to start baking your cupcakes.

Cake Batter: Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

Line cupcake tray with cupcake papers

Whisk together water and cocoa. Set aside and let completely cool. (you can put this in the fridge too)

When cocoa mixture is cool, whisk in the mayonnaise and vanilla until smooth.

Meanwhile, combine dry ingredients in the bowl of an electric mixer and mix on low until combined.

Once mixed, increase speed to medium and beat in cocoa mixture for one minute. The batter is supposed to be thin, but I've seen it thin - medium as the temperature in my kitchen has been different.

Poor batter into a measuring cup with a spout and fill each cupcake 1/4 the way full.

Now take out your ganache and with a spoon make a small ganache ball and set one ball in the center of each cupcake.

Continue to fill each cupcake until it's 3/4 the way full to prevent spilling batter.

Check to make sure your oven is at 375 and bake for 15-20 minutes until cupcakes are set. Poke with a toothpick to confirm they are done. The toothpick should slide out smoothly without any cake on it.

Once completely cooled (make sure you cool the cupcakes or your ganache will melt) frost with the rest of your ganache frosting. You should have extra ganache left over - about a cup.

TIP: If you're using a food processor, put the chips in the container. Then slowly poor warm cream over the chips with the processor on. It will whip the chocolate into the slick ganache. Then cool completely and put in fridge to set. Or do what I do and cool & then put in fridge to set in 30 minutes. Hope that helps.

Questions, Comments & Reviews

Great JOB : )

@crazyred197 - I let it cool a bit (shouldn't put warm stuff in the fridge) but it's not hard. I put in the freezer as a short cut - it works! :) And will harden in about 20 minutes or less.

so do you cool the ganache in the pan and then put it in the fridge or do you just take it right out of the pan and into the fridge???

thank you

How come the ganache doesn't melt in the center? I've made these a few times and they were great! Then I changed the cake recipe but still filled them with ganache and it melted and made a layer on the bottom. Guess I shouldn't have changed it! They still taste good, but not so much "filled" anymore. haha

FANTASTIC RECIPE!!!! This recipe saved the day. Took them to a party and I was the hit of the night. Thank you!

I am going to make these today! Just wanted to share that in all my recipes calling for baking chocolate, whether they specify "unsweetened" "semi-sweet" or any other kind, I always use bittersweet. My hubby's "sweet tooth" is hard to satisfy, and he has always enjoyed anything chocolate, particularly when I used or substituted with bittersweet. Thank you so much for posting this recipe!

Hi Babs - I just wanted to tell you that I made these last year for my daughters volleyball team for halloween. They were AWESOME! It was my first experience with ganache (YUM). And I even put a candy eyeball on top of each one to celebrate halloween!

I wanted to love these, but I had lots of problems. The ganache was too thin. I had to add 4 ounces more chocolate and it still wasn’t firm enough to roll in balls. I wasn’t sure how much to use in the centers and must have gotten over zealous as they oozed out all over the oven. The cake turned out ok, but not my favorite. In theory it’s a decent recipe, just needs a lot of tweaking.

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like every one else, I have made these and loved them, too! But I actually didn't find the recipe here- I found it in the Oregonians FOODday!

Okay. I'm drooling! Added ingredients to my grocery list! :)

Ok, if these made someone cry...I must try them! I will be making these little pieces of heaven as soon as I can...Thank you for sharing!

I can't wait to try

hi, this is great stuff.

I have had these cupcakes and they are amazing! Seriously, amazing.

I think I neves seen as many comments to a recepie in here ;) lol gotta try them out
take care

This is really interesting, no egg recipie except for the part of eggs in the mayo. As I just love chocolate, I cant wait to try this out! But really no eggs? :-) I´m really amazed :) But thank you for sharing.
PS I love e.g. Cadbury´s Cocoa, I´m sure it´s also great for this recipie.

Sounds great, Babette! I'll have to try them!!!!

I'd love to try these. Wish you would have included the processor instructions, too. ;-)

Thanks so much for this recipe. I brought these to an Oscar party last night and they were a bigger hit than Daniel Day Lewis!!! Yummylicious. My husband nuked one for about 15 seconds, then ate it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was so fabulous, his head started spinning around--I can see valuable bribe potential here.

This is an amazing recipe. It does not disappoint. I have made these cupcakes three times this week for various events. Thank you for sharing it!!

WOW! These sound fabulous! I can't wait to make them! They sound wonderful. Keep posting! I'll check in again soon. Thanks!

This sounds wonderful. I can't wait to try.

Yummy!!! Can't wait to try!


This recipe looks absolutely wonderful..will try ASAP

I cannot wait to try this!

I make a version of these but they do not have the ganache in the center. They are fabulous! Great for a chocoholic.

omg, this sounds so decadent.. I must make them soon!

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