Old-Fashioned Chocolate Cherry Milkshake
Why I Love This Recipe
Just like it used to be – only better! This milkshake blends creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream with the velvety flavor of the Simply Rich Chocolate Syrup for a rich and tasty treat.
Ingredients You'll Need
2 cups Cherry Chocolate Chip DREYER'S or EDY'S SLOW CHURNED Light Ice Cream *
3/4 cup Simply Rich Chocolate Syrup (see recipe), room temperature or chilled
PLACE ice cream and chocolate syrup in blender; cover. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.
TIP: For a drizzle on the side of glasses, place 1 tablespoon of room temperature Simply Rich Chocolate Syrup in corner of small plastic bag. Cut off corner of bag. Squeeze bag on inside of glass, starting at bottom and twirl at the same time.
* SHAKE IT UP: Try making this milkshake with other flavors of Light Ice Cream, such as Chocolate Chip, Mint Chocolate Chip or Fudge Tracks!